The schools within the Village Schools Partnership are all foundation schools within the ACCT. This is a structure without executive function (as you might find, for example, in a Multi Academy Trust) and exists solely to support the education of young people in our locality. ACCT are also the legal landowners of our member schools. We work with our other Foundation Schools (Appledore Primary, Instow Primary and Hartland Primary) to deliver the best outcomes possible for our young people.
Children regularly have the chance to work together across the Trust in things like PE festivals and anti-bullying workshops and although our programme has been affected by the pandemic, we're very much enjoying getting back together and enriching the lives of the children we represent.
Our teachers have been able to spend time with other trust teachers moderating and sharing literacy and numeracy work, early years expertise and continued professional development in foundation subjects.
Our headteachers meet together regularly to plan strategy and offer mutual support.
Our Trust partners are the Atlantic Racquet Centre, the Northam Care Trust and the Braunton Learning Co-operative Trust. These organisations support our work and bring opportunities to our children which might not otherwise be available.
As a member of a Co-operative Trust, our work is underpinned by the Co-operative Values and Ethics:
Values: Democracy, Equality, Equity, Solidarity, Self- help & self – responsibility
Ethics: Openness Honesty Social responsibility Caring for Others
For more information about the Atlantic Coast Cooperative Trust, email
The schools within the Village Schools Partnership are all foundation schools within the ACCT. This is a structure without executive function (as you might find, for example, in a Multi Academy Trust) and exists solely to support the education of young people in our locality. ACCT are also the legal landowners of our member schools. We work with our other Foundation Schools (Appledore Primary, Instow Primary and Hartland Primary) to deliver the best outcomes possible for our young people.
Children regularly have the chance to work together across the Trust in things like PE festivals and anti-bullying workshops and although our programme has been affected by the pandemic, we're very much enjoying getting back together and enriching the lives of the children we represent.
Our teachers have been able to spend time with other trust teachers moderating and sharing literacy and numeracy work, early years expertise and continued professional development in foundation subjects.
Our headteachers meet together regularly to plan strategy and offer mutual support.
Our Trust partners are the Atlantic Racquet Centre, the Northam Care Trust and the Braunton Learning Co-operative Trust. These organisations support our work and bring opportunities to our children which might not otherwise be available.
As a member of a Co-operative Trust, our work is underpinned by the Co-operative Values and Ethics:
Values: Democracy, Equality, Equity, Solidarity, Self- help & self – responsibility
Ethics: Openness Honesty Social responsibility Caring for Others
For more information about the Atlantic Coast Cooperative Trust, email