Welcome to Tythecott Class

Tythecott Class is made from Year 2 and Year 3 children. Mrs Kersey is the class teacher from Monday to Thursday and Mrs Pennngton is the teacher on Fridays. Mrs Roy is the Teaching Assistant.

Home School Learning expectations:

Below is a reminder about our expectations that we expect from our children at home on a weekly basis:

Weekly spelling tests- Children will be expected to learn spellings weekly. Their weekly ‘Spelling Tests’ will take place on a Friday.  

Reading regularly and recording in their Reading journals- Reading at home… Children are expected to read more than 3 times a week at home. This needs to be recorded in their ‘Reading Journal’ book and signed by their parent/ guardian. 

 Home Learning- Children will be given activities to be completed each week. These activities will be linked to the week’s learning. They will support and extend your child's knowledge and understanding of what has been taught in school. It will be marked on the Wednesday after they have handed it in and reset and handed out on the Friday.
Children will be rewarded Family Points if they complete the activities.



FOREST SCHOOL- WELLIES- Please can your child bring a pair of wellies into school as we will have forest school sessions on a Wednesday afternoon. 

PE- Mr Davis is teaching Real PE on Tuesday mornings.

PLEASE ensure your child comes to school wearing the correct PE kit otherwise they may not be able to take part. Below is the acceptable PE uniform for our school:
• Plain red PE t-shirt (or a school embroidered t-shirt ordered from the office);
• Plain black/blue shorts (during colder periods children can wear plain black or blue jogging bottoms);
• Suitable PE trainers (not plimsolls) and;
• No jewellery is to be worn during PE sessions and will need to be removed before being able to take part in PE.

Residentials: There will be a year 3 residential to Plymouth Aquarium at the end of March - more details to follow.

Welcome to Tythecott Class

Tythecott Class is made from Year 2 and Year 3 children. Mrs Kersey is the class teacher from Monday to Thursday and Mrs Pennngton is the teacher on Fridays. Mrs Roy is the Teaching Assistant.

Home School Learning expectations:

Below is a reminder about our expectations that we expect from our children at home on a weekly basis:

Weekly spelling tests- Children will be expected to learn spellings weekly. Their weekly ‘Spelling Tests’ will take place on a Friday.  

Reading regularly and recording in their Reading journals- Reading at home… Children are expected to read more than 3 times a week at home. This needs to be recorded in their ‘Reading Journal’ book and signed by their parent/ guardian. 

 Home Learning- Children will be given activities to be completed each week. These activities will be linked to the week’s learning. They will support and extend your child's knowledge and understanding of what has been taught in school. It will be marked on the Wednesday after they have handed it in and reset and handed out on the Friday.
Children will be rewarded Family Points if they complete the activities.



FOREST SCHOOL- WELLIES- Please can your child bring a pair of wellies into school as we will have forest school sessions on a Wednesday afternoon. 

PE- Mr Davis is teaching Real PE on Tuesday mornings.

PLEASE ensure your child comes to school wearing the correct PE kit otherwise they may not be able to take part. Below is the acceptable PE uniform for our school:
• Plain red PE t-shirt (or a school embroidered t-shirt ordered from the office);
• Plain black/blue shorts (during colder periods children can wear plain black or blue jogging bottoms);
• Suitable PE trainers (not plimsolls) and;
• No jewellery is to be worn during PE sessions and will need to be removed before being able to take part in PE.

Residentials: There will be a year 3 residential to Plymouth Aquarium at the end of March - more details to follow.